Martial arts have many uses. One should understand the context of how each was used.

by | Feb 14, 2014

Bojutsu at Boston Martial Arts Center

Bojutsu at Boston Martial Arts Center Hanbo or Sansakubojutsu

Martial arts have many uses.  I feel that one should take the time to understand the context in which their martial arts were used. This will open a whole range of skills and understanding about what is needed to learn their martial arts in the correct manner. For example: sanshakubojutsu (3 foot stick skills or walking stick fighting arts) was not the first thing one would use for fighting during the Sengoku – Warring States – period of feudal Japan.  But today, it’s is a good skill to have for self-defense in Boston because of the times we live in.  So take your time and study the historical use of your martial art.  Do your homework

Mark Davis

Boston Martial Arts Center



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I was working on kenjutsu last week and was moving with my training partner changing kamae (position based on what my spirit is sensing in relation to a changing environment). This requires the mind and body to stay sharp, because if your mind floats for one moment you could be in over your head. A good starting place on how not to get in over your head is “Stay in the moment, not before or after.”